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Explore how to become a guest on podcasts with Nadine Nethery of CAN DO Content

My interest in podcast guesting really kicked into gear as Mark Zuckerberg made tinkering with the ‘algorithm’ his favourite pastime.

Since starting to pitch some of my favourite podcasts, I have leveraged my winning pitch strategy to land dream clients, collaborations and even more guest speaking opportunities.

How to become a guest on 30+ podcasts

Featured, Marketing

Courious to learn the out-of-the-pop-up-box hack that grew my impact & audience… and saw me win an incredible competition? Then come on in!

What I’m unpacking today is a stroke-of-genius Convertbox idea & strategy that won me BEST SALES PAGE in Dama Jue’s Show & Tell competition.

Creative Convertbox Ideas and strategies to boost your sales & bottom line

Featured, Marketing

Tiff and Tan from GrowGetters are two Aussie gals who have called Munich, Germany, home for the past few years. That’s where they’ve settled with their young families and are pursuing thriving careers in the digital space while growing their profile as business coaches for women with BIG dreams.

GrowGetters is the global online platform that supports women with the must-have future skills to grow their career, side hustle or business.

The ladies had a huge online following, but were struggling to convert leads into paying customers. That’s when they called me in as their objective observer.

Why I thrive as the copywriter for coaches like Tiff & Tan from GrowGetters

Success Stories

Dr Courtney Thompson is an Australian nutritionist on a mission to demystify food literacy and drive lasting change. She holds an Honours degree in Biomedical Sciences and recently completed a PhD in public health nutrition, focusing on the development, validation and assessment of food literacy.
She certainly doesn’t do things by halves!

Courtney had already lined up a web developer to support her with the design of her website, and she needed a small business copywriter like me to fill the design with strategic words.

How I became Dr Courtney Thompson’s small business copywriter

Featured, Success Stories

Jacqui made ok sales, but she wanted to upgrade her DIY copy at the time. She wanted to feel GREAT about sending potential students to her sales page, which wasn’t the case when she reached out for assistance from a sales page copywriter like me.

We had been in each others’ online circles for some time, but the quick-win structure of my Yours for Day service got her across the line.

What a sales page copywriter like me can add to your coaching business

Featured, Success Stories

Yani and I first connected via The Huddle, a business event for female founders in Orange. Yani checked out my website, and really resonated with what she saw. At the time, she had been looking for a copywriter for artists like her previously but never found someone she vibed with.

We quickly decided to get together for a Yours for a Day session, and started with a strategic DIY survey Yani sent out to her past clients via my Audience Success Formula (a free BONUS with every Yours for a Day session).

The copywriter for artists like Yani Lenehan who are ready to dream BIG

Copywriting, Featured, Success Stories

In uncertain times where business slows down, where leads dry up and where overwhelm can settle in quicker than you can cancel yet another business membership, let’s take a step back and focus on our strengths so we can recession-proof our businesses. And clever copywriting can certainly achieve that!

18 clever ways to boost your business with copywriting

Copywriting, Featured, Marketing

This week we are hopping over to the other side of the fence to chat all things Marketing with Eleanor Cullen from award-winning kids ecommerce brand We Might Be Tiny. Eleanor is kicking more than one goal in her business and personal life. She has recently quit her corporate gig to focus full-time on her real passion, the business that she built from scratch and turned into a smashing success in over 35 countries..

How We Might Be Tiny became a global ecommerce success story


Handing over your brand copy to someone else can be a BIG mental hurdle.


Because the words, messaging and brand touchpoints your audience is exposed to can make or break your brand.

So getting it right is INCREDIBLY important.

Here’s my perspective on this question and a practical step-by-step guide that will take the guesswork out of finding the best copywriter for your business.

How to find the perfect copywriter for you

Copywriting, Featured

Grab the Freebie

What if you could unlock your unfair audience advantage?

10 strategic survey

Grab these 10 FREE strategic survey questions so you can hit SEND on your FIRST or NEXT survey and change the trajectory of your copy game TODAY. 💖💖

Grab my 10 FREE strategic survey questions so you can hit SEND on your FIRST or NEXT customer survey and change the trajectory of your copy game TODAY. 💖💖